CofC'ers: We have made it about 1300 miles so far, to Valley City, North Dakota, home of the North Dakota Winter Show, Rosebud Visitor's Center, and Barnes County Museum.
My cousin played volleyball for the college there and the Schlosser side of my family has deep roots in North Dakota. My kids love to spend time with their cousins when we visit in the summer.
Nevertheless, the term 'valley' is a relative one. A valley in North Dakota is quite different from a valley in Washington State.
Valleys can be spiritual too. Several weeks ago, during my walking office hour at Larsen Lake Blueberry farm, I took the time to read the information signs posted around the trail. I learned that the paths are quite old -- formed by Native Americans who hunted and fished in this region long ago. The farmland was later cultivated by families of Japanese descent who were interned in camps during World War 2.
It makes me think of Psalm 23, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow..." Whether we will spend time in dark valleys isn't a question, it's assumed. And God's promise is to walk with us, ultimately leading us through.
But we have to keep going. There's pain and struggle in life, but also deep blessing and joy in loving God and others and being loved in return. While we can do our best to recognize the mistakes of the past, we can look ahead to our Guide who leads us through, even if we can't see the path ourselves.
Keep up the good work, team! It's a gift to be sharing the road with you.